ITGS Syllabus

Monday, December 04, 2006

Topic 178

Social impact of the use of "smart" machines on everyday life by Takafumi

Greater social impact would occur in society if we use smart machines in our everyday life. These machines can make peoples life style easy, but also make them lazy too. This totally destroys working system that we have in this world. But in other point of view, we can make our lifestyle really easier to live and become happy.

If we look in dark side of this topic, human would become really lazy. People might stop thinking and depend on machine too much. This means that we as a human being are getting controlled by the robots. But humans won't notice that and keeps that lifestyle because it is way better and easier for them than doing work and thinking about something. This totally makes the human being lazy animal and this is morally wrong. People have to work and think to keep themselves as the real human.

The bright side for this idea is that we get to have an easier life than now. In moral view, this can help people to do more good morals like helping each other and all other thing you can imagine about it. One reason is when people get enough happiness, they would like to share them with other people by doing same thing that they felt it was graceful for them. So pretty much morally, this would be a good thing for them.

Well the conclusion to the state that usage of smart robots into our society or everyday world that there would be many moral problems but this can make our lifestyle really easier than before. But this also can mean that people would lose the capability to think and just live.


Social impact of the use of "smart" machines on everyday life collected by Chirag

Smart machines can be used for various purposes that will be to the advantage of the humans. Therefore, socially they have a very positive impact by helping us making our lives easier and more secure.

Smart Machines in Education is woven in the utilization of the research results from cognitive science and artificial intelligence to advance our perception of technology for education into the next revolution. The main focus is placed on the illustrations of educational systems, and the intention is to promote the “intelligent” ideas in virtual learning environments.

Learning from costless failure is one of the important advantages in educational simulation. Expectation failures synthesize situations that students could encounter in their real-life, and encourage them to maturate their scientific investigation skills in order to learn the lessons from the failures.

Another novel idea is the creation of a teachable agent (Biswas, Schwartz, & Bransford). One can often learn a lot from the feedback and responses from the taught during the teaching process. The teachable agents offer this opportunity to students while protecting them from being harmed by “in-experienced teachers” (other students) at the same time.

For those who are interested in intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs), the book provides the discussion of Woolf and her colleagues on the capabilities that an ITS could have, and Bellman’s reflections on the CAETI Program, which is a large-scale government-sponsored technology insertion program in USA

Reviewer: Tai Yu Lin.

Use against Terrorism

No war is won without rest-rate minds making powerful machines. Arguably our chief strategic mistake in battling terrorism has been that we have ignored this axiom. You would probably not be around to read this piece had it not been for the fact that Alan Turing and other brilliant minds harnessed the very rust computers to crack the Nazi Enigma Machine, which the Germans used with supreme condense to encrypt and decode their secret communiqués in World War II. Nor would you and yours be alive today had it not been for the minds behind the Manhattan Project: They beat Hitler and his band of terrorists in the nuclear race, and two unthinkably smart machines brought those who perpetrated Pearl Harbor to their knees in a surrender that saved tens of thousands of lives. I mean no disrespect to soldiers; they alone put their lives directly on the line. But if they do so without holding thunder in their hands, they cannot win. And that thunder is conceived, designed, and produced by scientists and engineers. In our new war, not just any kind of machine will do.

We need smart machines, so the specific minds we need are those working in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is painfully easy to see. Consider the case of jetliners. When you think about such potential missiles from the standpoint of AI, it is manifestly idiotic that we have built them devoid of ability to reason. A high-tech plane, for God’s sake, should know who is allowed to them it and where it is allowed— and if things don’t add up, it should not cooperate. To build such AI into a jet is not difficult; it isn’t cheap, but it isn’t hard. To our great and obvious peril, aircraft manufacturers have left those who specialize in machine reasoning on the sidelines. We are also in desperate need for the smart machines. You should not be able to get on a plane unless a machine knows who you are, and knows that the odds of you doing anything nefarious are in intestinal. One instantaneous retina scan before you board, with a knowledge base to refer to, would allow a machine to calculate in a millisecond whether you can board or not.

Selmer Bringsjord
October 9, 2001


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