ITGS Syllabus

Monday, September 25, 2006

Topic 143

Use of appropriate search engines by Dwarkesh

In this international world of global information, the Internet and especially a search engine is what drives a person everyday. It helps a person develop and create his information with the ease of a “search” button on a webpage. This convenience has created dependence for ever-ready information on their fingertips. The problem is as people start taking this convenience for granted; some Search engines such as yahoo and take advantage of this market need and therefore don’t really do their best to satisfy with their very best quality.

How to look for search engines according to your need:

Choose a search engine, directory or library in accordance with the kind of search you are doing and the kind of results you are seeking. If you are looking for a Web site, information that might be contained within Usenet; Academic articles that may only be retrievable with gopher; Determine your aims: Do you want a specific hard-to-find document on an esoteric subject, or general information on a broader topic; Do you need to search the entire Web, or is what you are seeking likely to be found on a number of sites, or only the most popular sites? In making your choice, determine whether the information you are looking for is likely to be in a page's title or first paragraph, or buried deeper within the document or site. Use a search engine's advanced features, if available, and read the help files if you are unclear about its searching procedure.


Enter synonyms, alternate spellings and alternate forms (e.g. dance, dancing, dances) for your search terms. Enter all the singular or unique terms, which are likely to be included in the document, or site you are seeking. Avoid using very common terms (e.g. Internet, people), which may lead to a preponderance of irrelevant search results.

Determine how your search engine uses capitals and plurals, and enter capitalized or plural forms of your search words if appropriate. Use a phrase or proper name if possible to narrow your search and therefore retrieve more relevant results (unless you want a large number of results). Use multiple operators if a search engine allows you to do so. If you receive too many results, refine and improve your search. Pay attention to proper spacing and punctuation in your search syntax.

Until now Google is the best Search Engine there is as it is meeting the market needs in the best possible way. Yahoo and Microsoft are making their best effort to compete Google, nothing but that. They do not provide users with good relevant search results to increase their information.

Use of appropriate search engines by Aditya

Search engines are an easy way for a person who is attempting to navigate the internet to do so with a significant level of ease. An appropriate search engine is one which uses relatively advanced technology to search pages and return results based on a customer’s input. The customer is not necessarily paying.

There are a few search engines apart from Google. Go to Wikipedia and type in search engines in the search box for this information. One such search engine which uses advanced technology related to ranking pages is AskJeeves.

The issues are those related to ease of use for the customer and brand loyalty.
Google has gone to extra lengths to do this with its PageRank Technology. This technology emerged when the Google guys met at Stanford. They eventually decided that they’d follow their own path. Eventually, they found investors who had faith in themIt returns results based on the number of times previous users have gone to the site and also according to the number of times or usefulness that Google considers it to have.

The stakeholders in this case are both Google and the customers of Google’s various products such as Google Sketchup Pro and Google Earth. People will begin to gain faith in the Google brand and purchase more of their products. The customers save lots of time and hence find the efficient solution to navigating the Internet.

The disadvantage for Google is that it can lose its loyalty very easily if it rolls out even one bad product. This is a very high risk business and basically only has to do with Google’s or a search engine’s business situation. The impact is basically global because the Internet is accessible in any area of the world.


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