ITGS Syllabus

Monday, March 06, 2006

Topic 42

Globalization of software by Roger Maue

1. What are the issues associated with this subject?

The globalization of software is quickly becoming a major component in today’s society especially since its growth is closely associated with technology especially in information, business, and work etc. It helps to contribute to the economy there are such things as the gaining of wealth such as the US and China where in China it generates new revenue and creates high-value jobs. Whereas in the US, it achieves better financial performance as a result of cost savings as it is investing increased profits in growing business opportunities as a result of the globalization of software.

2. How did this technology emerge?

The globalization of software emerged as a result of the information technology coming up as a major global field, the evolution of work business processes, education and national policies. The rapid shift to a global software-systems-services industry in which it is a reality has been mainly driven by advances and changes in the four major areas of technology ex: (the availability of low-cost, high bandwidth telecommunications), work processes ex: (digitalization of work), business models ex: (rise of companies that help firms offshore their work), and other drivers ex: (lowering of national trade barriers).

3. Who are the stakeholders?

It is usually the companies mainly who are major contributors of bringing or globalizing software(s) in order to gain profit by expanding its branches overseas to cheaper production location. Or it can be a country’s government with its intentions mainly for improving/contributing to their economy by receiving the globalization of software to update the civil servants with knowledge of it. But it is also mostly upon individuals who acquire the knowledge and are educating others new to it so they are the stakeholders for they are responsible for educating those learning under this person(s).

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages for those stake holders?

The globalization of software has its advantages for its stakeholders can such as government can be the increase in work load of civil servants increasing work production so the government benefits to for putting workers involved in the globalization of software to gain knowledge from it and other countries would try to follow too and be involved so it will help to globalize software. In terms of more profitable alternates would be the companies trying to help production by educating their workers by putting them in workshops not only for the benefit the worker but also for the company too. But the disadvantages could be that the said of due to the other jobs lost as a result of people become knowledgeable of the software(s) learnt in the workshops etc. There will be other setbacks such as certain businesses losing out to the competition provided by the companies with some sort of influence or exposure to the globalization of software.

5. What solutions can overcome the problem?

First of all it takes time to learn how to use the software or its basics before any true learning of it can be undertaken thus a education system on learning about the software(s) must be thought at an earlier age so later on it will be easier for these certain people to learn new things at a much faster rate and more applications of software(s). Then there is also the adaptation of software(s) through out an entire system instead of just one part of the system. Other companies that are not gaining anything from the effects of the globalization of software can be helped by trying to integrate the software system in any sort of way to at least try to make them gain something out off it too. Maybe other beneficial solutions can be created to help them instead of letting them lose out instead of competing in any market.

6. What areas of impact does it affect?

The globalization of software is a major contributor to many areas since it does affect a lot of areas in today’s society. The education system depends on it to for things as one of the primary means for both developed and developing countries so their workforce can compete globally for jobs. Thus the workforce of a nation will be effective if its workers are better educated with it so they are compatible and able to deliver. There are also areas such as banks (bank records, transaction volumes) and medical field (voluminous medical records) and other areas where software programs are key to its functioning or performance.

7. Evaluate the impact locally and globally.

There is a impact both locally and globally for ex: if a certain highly skilled worker(s) in a area such as IT are asked to work for a certain company overseas then they will leave their own countries and look for a better job elsewhere so the country may suffer this loss of an important brain power which it could have used so locally the effect is that the smart worker IT worker will not be there to help develop the country’s IT system or areas involved but then globally the company will benefit and also in the process the country where the company is based at.

8. What are the ethical issues?

The ethical issues are just that the globalization of software may be a advantage or bonus for some societies but certain societies do not easily accept such issues and may not necessarily agree or follow the thinking behind the reason of the globalization of software or simply prefer their own old systems over it. Whatever it may be it is fair to state that there isn’t much ethical issue with globalizing software for it benefits almost everyone involved in it.

9. Who is responsible?

The responsibility of on for globalizing software may not necessary be a company but could also be individuals who learn about it and may start creating programs and software and use it as means to profit off it such as creating illegal copies of the original to sell. By selling throughout around locally and globally will spread software but in an unethical way.

10. Who is accountable?

The ones who will be held accountable for globalizing software as mentioned above are companies, government, individuals etc. as they look for means to gain profit, educational purposes, or as part of a job in educating people about it. Unless something illegal is carried out then it is through these sources of knowledge that the culprit was able to perform or do what he did.

11. What laws apply?

There are certain laws that persecute the culprit(s) depending on what they did and the level of damages they caused. If the damage committed was a serious such as using a software program to hack and steal credit card pin numbers, identities, personal information, and other illegal offences then it is punishable through organizations such as the International Computing Code of Conduct or other bodies of certified organizations where culprits can be brought to justice.

12. Are there alternative decisions?

Other alternate decisions could be training or educating of software(s) through certain levels where knowledge of should be restrained where it could lead to the possibility of creating harmful software(s). Also companies should try to look at the advantages and disadvantages of certain locations where their impact might have if they try to invest there. Proper control and monitoring of software being taught or used globally in workshops or by educational purposes.

13. What are the consequences of these decisions?

It is almost impossible to keep perfect record of what’s happening at all the world’s workshops or educational sites and to an extent the exact material that’s being taught there. These days the knowledge of creating software(s) is common in terms of the knowledge about is growing as more people get knowledge of it and to track down the culprits is difficult especially the many techniques used to hide or remain anonymous.

3 Comments -Show Original Post Collapse comments

moyer said...

Globolization of software I agree is a major key of today's successful bussiness and economic world. It is now recognized as an important factor.

December 07, 2006 7:25 PM

harsh said...

I think that you should first clearly explain what "Globalization of software" is. I had to read the whole twice to understand it. I am sure most people already know what it is but not everyone knows!
I agree with you on the point that the learning curve is pretty steep but then that's why computer education is required in most of the high schools today to give students a computer background so that the learning curve becomes flat long-term.

December 12, 2006 2:12 AM

Simon Ruiz said...

What are some of the more social or ethical impacts within the globalization of the software? Does it work in one country but not in the other? If so, how and why? Assess the credibility of such situation.

December 14, 2006 5:52 AM


Blogger Juju said...

Businesses are definatly profitting from the globalization of software. good essay

January 07, 2007 11:09 PM  

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